Tata Motors has launched ‘Tata Curvv EV’ at Rs 17.49 lakh, ex-showroom. It is powered by a 167 bhp motor, it goes from 0-100 kmph in 8.6 seconds and has a top speed of 160 kmph.With a 70-kW charger, it charges from 10 to 80 per cent in 40 minutes and gives up to 150 km range with a 15-minute charge.Its interior features a 12.3-inch infotainment system, 10.25-inch digital instrument cluster, panoramic sunroof, ventilated seats, and premium sound system.It is equipped with Level 2 ADAS, six airbags, 360-degree camera, electric parking brake, and other advanced safety features.It is available in two battery packs – 45 kWh and 55 kWh, offering ranges of 502 km and 585 km respectively (ARAI figures).About the exterior features, it has Sports LED lighting, 18-inch alloy wheels, flush door handles, and has a ground clearance of 190 mm with a power assist tailgate.From Triumph To Kawasaki: Top 7 Super-Bikes Under ₹10 Lakh In India
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