A week after a disastrous landslide in Kerala’s Wayanad, the relief operations are been conducted with full swing to support the landslide survivors. In an humantarian gesture, a Kochi based tech firm has lent its services to the authorities to streamline relief efforts. The user-interface software is proving extremely useful for the authorities for inventory management. The massive landslide on July 30 in Wayanad has killed over 360 people and rescue operations have reached final stages.
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As a report by PTI, Rajith Ramachandran, co-founder of Faircode Infotech, and his team have volunteered their services to create a robust inventory management system at the relief material collection centre set up at St Joseph’s Higher Secondary School. The innovative solution has greatly eased the task of revenue officials, who were struggling to keep track of the pouring in relief materials.
The use of tech in relife support immediately got a nod from the district collector. The software will not only fast-track relief operaions but will also bring transperancy.
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Authorities said that it is difficult to send people and heavy machinery in some areas. They have also turned to unmanned aerial vehicles to transport food packets to areas that remain inaccessible.
Meanwhile, the rescue operations have reached the final stages and authorities are focusing more on inaccessible locations via traditional means. While, a special team by helicopter was also deployed to search the Chaliyar river basin for more bodies or remains.
The Kerala government on Monday announced that it will implement a comprehensive rehabilitation package for Wayanad and lands would be acquired to built houses and other required infrastructure. Also, Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah announced has announced that his government will construct 100 houses for Wayanad victims.
On August 5, on the seventh day of rescue operations, six bodies were recovered and till now at least 360 people have lost their lives. The incessant rains towards the end of July, resulted in the massive landslide in Wayanad. Congress’ Member of Parliament from Wayanad and Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi had reached the site immediately to review the operations.