Mumbai: The police have now arrested the 28-year-old disabled wife of Arshad Shaikh, a physically challenged man who was allegedly brutally killed by two of his speech-impaired friends, Shivjeet Singh and Jay Pravin Chawda, during a party in Pydhonie, on Sunday night.
Details Revealed By The Probe
The probe has revealed that the woman, Ruksana, was having an affair with Chawda for more than one year and she is allegedly involved in the gruesome murder. On Tuesday, police called the Ruksana and arrested her after more than 10 hours of questioning.
Police sources said, “Shaikh was called to a party by Chawda at his house. Hence, this could be a planned murder.”
Singh and Chawda, who had reportedly shared the murder’s video in a WhatsApp group that included many physically challenged people from Pakistan, Belgium, and Bangladesh. A total of 12 teams of the Pydhonie police station are investigating the case. The cops are also taking the help of four sign language interpreters to record the duo’s statements. However, they are facing difficulty explaining the entire matter because the accused are continuously giving different answers, said police.
#WATCH | Pydhonie Murder Case: CCTV Footages From Dadar Station Show Accused Jay Chawda Carrying Body Of Victim In Trolley Bag
Credit: @kumar_ankit03#Mumbai #Dadar #MumbaiNews #IndiaNews
— Free Press Journal (@fpjindia) August 7, 2024
About The Brutal Murder
Shaikh was allegedly clobbered to death with a hammer by Singh and Chawda, while they took instructions from two persons, including a woman, over a video call. His body was later stuffed in a bag and taken to Dadar station. The plan was to dump it in a river in the Konkan region. However, Chawda was caught by the railway police, while lugging the bag.