Mumbai: In the shocking incident where a four-year-old girl died after a dog fell on her from the fifth floor of a building in Mumbra on Tuesday, the dog has surprisingly survived the incident and is being treated at an animal shelter in Karnala. However, residents and animal activists have alleged that the dog did not fall by accident and was allegedly thrown from the animal breeding centre functioning on the fifth floor.
Sanabanu Shaikh, who was out with her mother, died on the spot after the adult Labrador fell on her head. While the girl died on the spot, the dog has miraculously survived the fall. While everyone rushed to take the girl to the nearest hospital, Muzna Sajjad (37) a local animal activist in the locality rushed to help the injured dog. Due to her timely intervention, the dog survived the incident and is under treatment at an animal shelter in Karnala.
Sajjad, who is a sports teacher at a private school in Mumbra, has been an animal lover throughout her life and has been feeding strays in Mumbra since years. She is also known in the locality as a person who rescues animals and even performs spot treatment to strays living in Mumbra. While her husband is employed in the Gulf and sends a small portion of his earning to his family back home, Sajjad uses the family’s savings on animal welfare works and maintaining a shelter at her home where she looks after some 40 odd cats and pigeons.
“On Tuesday, when I was informed about the incident on call, I rushed to the spot and saw that the dog was still lying there and its owners, who run a breeding centre, did not even think about him. I had to get into a scuffle with them to make them take the dog to a veterinary doctor but they did not comply until I called the police. They insisted on visiting a para-vet so I got the dog treated at my own expense,” said Sajjad.
The dog suffered a minor fracture near the chest and multiple internal injuries along with blood clotting due to the fall. Currently, it has been admitted to Hands That Heal animal shelter in Karnala where he is being treated for the injuries.
Although there has been no official complaint in regards to the death of Shaikh, residents also allege that the CCTV footage showing the dog falling sideways indicates that it had not fallen accidentally but was thrown purposely.
Thane Horror: 5-Year-Old Dies After Dog Falls On Her From Fifth Floor
The locals have started questioning about the legality of the breeding centre where the dog was kept. Locals alleged that around seven dogs were reported at the centre, which were being used to for commercial breeding purposes without a licence but the centre has now been emptied after Tuesday’s incident.