A 13-year-old schoolboy committed suicide by hanging himself using Dupatta at home in Kalyan on Sunday. The boy was identified as Vighnesh, an eighth-grade student at a school in Kalyan. He lived with his parents and sister in Kalyan. The suicide incident occurred on Sunday evening when his father was at work, and the mother and sister were out in Kalyan for some work.
The Kolsewadi police said that the mother and daughter returned home, found Vighnesh hanging in the room. She immediately alerted neighbors, her husband, and relatives. He was taken to the Rukhmani Bai hospital where he was declared dead upon arrival. The police rushed to the spot when they received the information. The body was handed over to family members for final rites after conducting a post-mortem.
The police found a suicide note from the boy, where he claimed that he was being teased or pressured by a teacher and another one student at school. Moreover, he mentioned in the suicide note no one should be angry with his sister. Touchingly, he also noted that the household expenses would be less after his demise.
Ashok Kadam, Senior Police Inspector, at Kolsewadi Police Station said, “An ADR was initially lodged at police station. Further investigation is ongoing. We are questioning with teachers and students in this matter and recorded the statement.”
Kanchan Chaudhary, leader of Congress woman cell from Kalyan, along with her workers, went to the police station and submitted a memorandum, stating that strict action should be taken against the persons responsible for the death.
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