Kannauj: In a major setback for the Samajwadi Party in Uttar Pradesh, its leader Nawab Singh Yadav has been arrested by the UP Police on charges of attempting to rape a 15-year-old minor girl in Kannauj. Nawab Singh is a close aide of Mainpuri MP and Samajwadi Party chief Akhilesh Yadav. According to reports, Nawab Singh is accused of luring the minor girl under the pretext of offering her a job at his college and called her along with her aunt to Chaudhary Chandan Singh College in Kannauj on Sunday (August 11) night.
Reports suggest that the girl called UP 112 from the college to inform the police about the incident. The police arrived at the location and caught Nawab Singh red-handed in a compromising position. Nawab Singh was arrested and taken to Sadar Kotwali. There have been reports of unrest after a crowd of supporters gathered at the police station and staged a protest against the arrest.
Nawab Singh Yadav has claimed that he is innocent and has also alleged that the entire case is a political conspiracy against him. He further claimed that the victim’s aunt was previously a member of the Samajwadi Party and has recently joined the BJP, which he believes is the reason she is trying to implicate him in a false case.
BJP IT Cell chief Amit Malviya has shared a video on his official twitter account and questioned, “Even after this video, will Akhilesh Yadav defend his special Nawab Singh Yadav?” He also said in another post, “After Ayodhya, now in Kannauj also SP leader arrested for attempting to rape a minor. Accused Nawab Singh Yadav was called Mini CM during the SP government. Nawab Singh Yadav is known as Dimple Yadav’s right hand and MP representative in Kannauj. Will Akhilesh Yadav still demand a DNA test?”
इस वीडियो के बाद भी क्या अखिलेश यादव अपने खास नवाब सिंह यादव का बचाव करेंगे? https://t.co/GcHYVUsmkR pic.twitter.com/feaZdq9D93
— Amit Malviya (@amitmalviya) August 12, 2024
कन्नौज में समाजवादी पार्टी के नेता नवाब सिंह यादव नाबालिग से रेप के प्रयास के आरोप में गिरफ्तार #Kannauj #Rape #SamajwadiParty @NBTLucknow pic.twitter.com/F97xx0KEvl
— Praveen Mohta (@MohtaPraveenn) August 12, 2024
कन्नौज के SP अमित कुमार आनंद, लड़की की सूचना पर पुलिस मौके पर पहुंची थी। लड़की को बरामद कर लिया गया। नवाब सिंह यादव आपत्तिजनक हालत में मिले। FIR दर्ज कर ली गई है। #Kannauj #SamajwadjParty #Rape @NBTLucknow pic.twitter.com/em3DOcTxVO
— Praveen Mohta (@MohtaPraveenn) August 12, 2024
उक्त प्रकरण में थाना कोतवाली कन्नौज पर अभियोग पंजीकृत किया गया है। अभियुक्त को गिरफ्तार कर अग्रिम विधिक कार्यवाही की जा रही है।
— kannauj police (@kannaujpolice) August 12, 2024
Kannauj SP Amit Kumar Anand said, “Based on the girl’s information, the police reached the spot. The girl was recovered, and Nawab Singh Yadav was found in an objectionable condition. An FIR has been registered.” Kannauj Police also stated, “A case has been registered at the Kannauj police station. The accused has been arrested, and further legal action is being taken.”