Actress and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut launched a scathing attack on Leader of Opposition Rahul Gandhi on Monday morning over his support to the latest Hindenburg report, which accused the SEBI chief of a massive financial scandal. Kangana called Rahul “dangerous and poisonous”, and said that he was out to destroy the nation.
The BJP MP from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, took to her X handle on Monday and wrote, “Rahul Gandhi is the most dangerous man, he is bitter, poisonous and destructive, his agenda is that if he can’t be the Prime Minister then he might as well destroy this nation.”
Rahul Gandhi is the most dangerous man, he is bitter, poisonous and destructive, his agenda is that if he can’t be the Prime Minister then he might as well destroy this nation.
Hindenberg report targeting our stock market that Rahul Gandhi was endorsing last night has turned out…
— Kangana Ranaut (@KanganaTeam) August 12, 2024
She went on to say, “Hindenberg report targeting our stock market that Rahul Gandhi was endorsing last night has turned out to be a damp squib. He is trying everything to destabilize this nation its security and economy.”
“Mr Gandhi get ready to sit in the opposition all your life and the way you suffering get ready to suffer the glory, the growth and the nationalism of the people of this nation. They will never make you their leader. You are a disgrace,” she added.
Earlier this week, US-based Hindenburg Research claimed that SEBI chairperson Madhabi Buch and her husband had stakes in obscure offshore funds used in the alleged Adani money syphoning scandal.
After the report went viral, Gandhi stated that the Indian stock market faced “significant risk” as SEBI was “gravely compromised”. “It is my duty as Leader of the Opposition to bring to your notice that there is a significant risk in the Indian stock market because the institutions that govern the stock market are compromised. A very serious allegation against the Adani group was illegal share ownership and price manipulation using offshore funds,” he said in a video message.
The integrity of SEBI, the securities regulator entrusted with safeguarding the wealth of small retail investors, has been gravely compromised by the allegations against its Chairperson.
Honest investors across the country have pressing questions for the government:
– Why…
— Rahul Gandhi (@RahulGandhi) August 11, 2024
He also called for Buch’s resignation and questioned the Central government’s silence over the report.