Ahead of the Maharashtra Assembly Elections, Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawa gave an unexpected statement saying he is no longer interested in contesting from Baramati as he has already won from the constituency several times. He also indicated that if the people of Baramati demanded, his younger son, Jay Pawar would contest the seat.
Pawar V/s Pawar again?
If Jay is fielded, Baramati will again witness a Pawar V/s Pawar fight. As per local reports, Ajit Pawar’s nephew Yugendra Pawar is likely to be fielded from Baramati for the state assembly elections. Yugendra is quite active in local politics and public service in Baramati. He is looked upon as a fresh face of the political powerhouse Pawar family.
In the Lok Sabha elections held recently, Ajit Pawar had fielded his wife Sunetra from the Baramati constituency against the sitting MP and his cousin Supriya Sule, daughter of Sharad Pawar.
What Ajit Pawar say
On Thursday, the media asked the deputy CM if his son Jay would contest from Baramati this year, to which he replied, “I have contested from Baramati seven to eight times. Now I am no longer interested. If the NCP (Ajit Pawar faction) workers demand Jay should contest, the proposal will be taken to the parliamentary board.”
The Baramati constituency in Maharashtra’s Pune district is the political bastion of the Pawar family. However, with the split of Ajit Pawar from his uncle and founder of the Nationalist Congress Party (NCP) Sharad Pawar, the politics in Baramati is witnessing several twists and turns.