Ahmedabad-Mumbai Double Decker Express Coaches Detach Near Surat

Two coaches of the Ahmedabad-Mumbai Double Decker Express detached from the moving train near Surat on Thursday morning, causing a panic among passengers. The incident occurred at 8:50 am near Gothangam Yard ( near Surat Station) in the Vadodara Division, when a malfunction in the train’s coupler led to the separation of the coaches.

“Fortunately, the train was traveling at a slow speed, and no injuries were reported. Passengers safely disembarked when the train came to a halt. After getting information, Western Railway team rushed on the site” said an official of WR.

@RailMinIndia @IndianRailMedia @RailMinIndia
Please look into this matter
Train No.12935(mmct double decker) which is running today from ahmedabad to mumbai central
Nearby Surat The coaches of the train fall apart accidentally in the running train
We are facing many issues here pic.twitter.com/Xw1Wd1Maib

— Mohit goyal (@2001mohitgoyal) August 15, 2024

“The rear and front portions of the train were moved to the platform for repairs, and train traffic between Ahmedabad and Mumbai was briefly disrupted. Restoration work was completed by 11:22 am and that traffic on the UP line had resumed. During the disruption, other trains continued to operate via the loop line, and the movement of trains on the route was not significantly affected” said an official of Western Railway.

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