Red Flags For Kidney Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Kidney diseases are often referred to as silent killers because they can progress to advanced stages without displaying any significant symptoms for a long time. This stealthy nature makes early detection challenging, leading to complications when the disease finally manifests.

With that said, our body is always giving subtle biofeedback and signs related to kidney health and function. Everything in our body is intricately connected, so a disruption in one organ can affect several others. Here are some signs to consider:

Dark circles or skin pigmentation

While chronic sleep deprivation is a commonly thought of reason, unexplained dark circles or changes in skin pigmentation can be early indicators of kidney problems. When kidneys fail to function properly, toxins accumulate in the body, leading to skin discoloration. The buildup of waste products affects the skin, causing it to look darker or more pigmented.

Swelling in legs, feet, ankles

Edema, or swelling, especially in the lower extremities, is a common symptom of kidney dysfunction. Kidneys help balance the body’s fluids, and when they are not working correctly, excess sodium can cause fluid retention, leading to swelling.

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Changes in urination

Alterations in urination patterns can signal kidney issues. These changes might include:

Increased frequency, especially at night (nocturia), which is a common symptom in cases of poorly controlled diabetes, a major risk factor for kidney disease.

Foamy or bubbly urine, indicating protein leakage.

Blood in urine (hematuria).

Difficulty or pain during urination.

Fatigue and weakness

Healthy kidneys produce a hormone called erythropoietin, which stimulates the production of red blood cells. Damaged kidneys produce less of this hormone, leading to anemia, which in turn causes fatigue and weakness.

Persistent itching

The buildup of waste products in the blood can cause severe itching. This is because the toxins that the kidneys fail to filter out can accumulate in the skin.

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Shortness of breath

When the kidneys aren’t working correctly, extra fluid can build up in the lungs, causing shortness of breath. Anemia associated with kidney disease can also deprive the body of oxygen, leading to breathlessness.

That being said, experiencing these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean one has a kidney condition, as many symptoms can overlap with other issues.

However, if you have persistent symptoms or risk factors such as diabetes, hypertension, or a family history of kidney disease, it advisable to consult a healthcare professional and get a thorough checkup done.

(Luke Coutinho is an Integrative Lifestyle Expert)

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