Bollywood filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri found himself at the receiving end of severe backlash recently after an old tweet made by him resurfaced online. In the tweet, the filmmaker had made a crass and objectionable comment on getting raped, and netizens dug it out amid the raging case of the rape and murder of a trainee doctor in Kolkata.
In the tweet dating back to 2013, Agnihotri had shared a photo of Tata Nano along with the text, “There is simply no way to get gang raped in here.” Not just that, but he also captioned it, “What makes Nano the safest car for women”.
While Agnihotri has now deleted the tweet, screenshots of it have resurfaced on social media, with people calling out the filmmaker for the disgusting comment. “What a vile prick. And these people who lack basic sensitivity and respect towards women are patriots and nationalists?!” a netizen commented, while another wrote, “Such insensitivity! Will not understand until happens to them! Disgusted!”
“How could someone stoop this low and what for? For infamousity so that he gets the attention of the media? There are better things to get into the limelight than talking inhumane things,” another netizen wrote.
Agnihotri has not yet commented on the chatter around his old post.
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Meanwhile, after the rape and murder case of the Kolkata trainee doctor came to light, Agnihotri was amongst the first celebs to raise his voice on social media and demand justice for the victim. “I think all women should share their experiences regarding safety in public life. This will create massive awareness and force authorities to make woman safety a top priority,” he wrote in a post.
I think all women should share their experiences regarding safety in public life. This will create massive awareness and force authorities to make woman safety a top priority. #KolkataDoctor
— Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri (@vivekagnihotri) August 14, 2024
On the work front, Agnihotri is known for films like The Kashmir Files, The Vaccine War, Buddha In A Traffic Jam, The Tashkent Files, among others.