Gorakhpur, UP: A shocking video from the streets of Uttar Pradesh showed a 22-year-old man casually attending a phone call outside his residence when a street dog suddenly jumped on him. Said to have attacked a total of 17 people by now, the rabid dog dog was reported to causing terror in the region. The recent video of the dog’s fiery act is now going viral on social media and it shows the man being attacked by the stray animal.
Video shows dog attacking man outside UP home
⚠️ Disturbing Visual
उत्तर प्रदेश के गोरखपुर की एक कॉलोनी में 3 दिनों के भीतर 20 से अधिक लोगों को कुत्तों ने काटा। आशीष यादव पर भी, जब वह अपने घर के बाहर घूम रहे थे, एक कुत्ते ने हमला कर दिया। डॉग अटैक की बढ़ती घटनाओं से स्थानीय निवासी दहशत में हैं। #Gorakhpur #DogAttack pic.twitter.com/K6bbutQwgz
— Ajeet Yadav (@ajeetkumarAT) August 18, 2024
Man struggles to rescue himself from dog’s attack
The man identified as Ashish Yadav was seen walking on the street outside his home in Gorakhpur and talking over the mobile phone, unless the scene took a dramatic turn. The dog approached Yadav and pounced upon him. Chilling visuals recorded him struggling to the shoo the dog away after it left him helpless.
Face attacked, man injured
The footage which has now surfaced online showed the dog hurt Yadav’s face and left him bleeding. According to reports, the dog bit him severely, leaving him bleeding from the mouth, eyes, and lips. Seconds after the attack, Yadav managed to flee and enter his residence for medical attention and further care.
17 people in a row
It was learned that the stray dog was on a biting spree when the incident took place on August 14, leading to the attack on 17 people including women and children. Shockingly, the aggressive animal roamed through the streets and injured these many people with a span of 60 minutes.
Authority comments
Taking note the dog menace in the area, Additional Municipal Commissioner Durgesh Mishra told the media about his unawareness towards the incident. Reportedly, he further insisted on the need for vaccination and sterilization to curb such scary incidents associated with street dogs.