MP: Rising AIDS Cases Alarm 10 Districts; Khargone Under Scrutiny As State Launches Awareness Campaign

Mandleshwar (Madhya Pradesh): An alarming rise in AIDS infections has been reported in 10 districts of Madhya Pradesh, including Khargone, Bhopal, Burhanpur, Dhar, Jabalpur, Gwalior, Satna, Ratlam, Sheopur, and Shivpuri. This concerning development prompted the Madhya Pradesh AIDS Control Committee in Bhopal to release a substantial budget of approximately Rs 52 lakh, aimed at launching intensive awareness programmes across the affected regions.

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The funds will be utilised for district and block-level meetings, training sessions for health staff and CMHOs, the creation of educational materials such as posters, pamphlets, and wall paintings, and the organisation of events to disseminate information about AIDS prevention. A portion of the budget, Rs 50,000, has been allocated specifically for a publicity chariot/van to spread awareness in these identified districts.

Despite these efforts, doubts persist about the effectiveness of these initiatives in curbing the rise in infections, particularly in Khargone district. Local sources have expressed concerns about the immoral activities reportedly taking place in certain hotels and farmhouses in Maheshwar and surrounding areas, which may be contributing to the spread of AIDS. The situation is exacerbated by the alleged lack of involvement from health department officials at the block level and district headquarters, many of whom are either disengaged or absent from their duties. The rise in AIDS cases in Khargone was brought to light following an order from Maheshwar BMO Atul Gaur, who called for the organisation of intensive AIDS awareness training.

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The BMO emphasised the need for an urgent awareness campaign in response to the growing infection rates. Gaur confirmed that this initiative is being implemented district-wide under the directives of the CMHO. Meanwhile, concerns are mounting over the lax enforcement of laws in Maheshwar, where reports of debauchery under the guise of parties at tourist hotels and farmhouses have surfaced.

These unchecked activities are suspected to be a significant factor behind the increase in AIDS cases in the district. Despite these suspicions, local police have been criticised for their apparent inaction. As the situation unfolds, the effectiveness of the newly launched AIDS awareness campaign will be closely watched. The public and officials alike are hoping that this concerted effort will not only raise awareness but also stem the tide of rising AIDS infections across Madhya Pradesh.

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