Following the disturbing incident at a school in Badlapur, Maharashtra, the state government has issued guidelines to enhance the safety of female students. The directives aim to educate students on recognising danger signs and accessing support services.
Key measures include:
– Installation of complaint boxes in all state schools
– Special classes to teach students about appropriate and inappropriate touch
– Formation of two committees, Vishakha Samiti and Sakhi Savitri Samiti, to ensure student safety
– Mandatory installation of CCTV cameras in school campuses
– Collaboration with NGOs to implement changes
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As reported by News 18, school Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar has warned that failure to comply with these guidelines will result in strict action against block officers. Notices will be issued to non-compliant schools.
To protest against the failure to keep the children safe in schools, the Badlapur residents blocked the Badlapur railway station. The railway traffic was reportedly halted for a duration of 6 hours. The accused, a cleaner at the school, was arrested by the police for allegedly assaulting two students in the premises of the institution. An investigation team was formed for the case and it is currently underway.
The government has assured that the incident is being taken “very seriously” and that measures will be taken to prevent such incidents in the future.