Indore (Madhya Pradesh): Thieves targeted the house of an Agriculture College professor and managed to flee with cash and valuables worth lakhs of rupees from there, police said on Thursday. The professor along with her family members had gone to Bhopal for Raksha Bandhan celebration when the thieves entered the house after breaking open the lock of the main door. Police were clueless about the thieves till the filing of the report.
According to Tilak Nagar police station staff, the incident took place at the house of Dr Nisha Sapre, a professor of the college of agriculture in the city in Professor Colony in Krishi Nagar in the intervening night of August 19 and August 20. Thieves entered the house after breaking the lock of the main door. Dr Sapre informed Free Press that she along with her two children had gone to Bhopal on August 18.
One of her neighbors spotted the lock opened and informed her. She returned to the city on August 20 and found Rs 10,000 and some ornaments missing from the almirah. She later informed the police. After the investigation at the spot, the police registered a case against unidentified thieves and started a search for them. The CCTVs of the area are being examined to identify the accused.
Thieves flee with cash & valuables from another house
In another incident, thieves entered a locked house and decamped with cash and valuables in the Lasudia area. Police said that a case has been registered against unidentified people for committing theft at the house of Prateek Shrivastav in Raas Township on Wednesday. Shrivastav informed the police that thieves entered the house by breaking open the lock and fled with Rs 10,000 in cash, a gold chain, some silver coins and an LED TV from there. The family members were out of the city at the time of the incident.