In a bizarre incident from Hyderabad’s Kukatpally area, a youth, said to be an influencer and content creator, was seen showering some cash money on a busy road. A video showed the man stepping towards the road and throwing a bundle of cash into the air. The influencer was identified with his Instagram username ‘its_me_power.’
With currency notes in both hands, he disrupted the vehicular movement of the road and showered the money there. The incident was recorded by passersby and allegedly also by his fellow friend who helped him create the reel and release it online later.
Dear @RachakondaCop @TelanganaDGP can u Warn such Chapris who are creating Nuisance on Roads in Name of Content???
— Mahesh Goud #9999# (@indian66669296) August 21, 2024
More about the Hyderabad viral video
The unidentified influencer was filmed throwing money into the air and leaving many people collecting the cash on the road. The video captured people rushing to middle of the road to collect cash and drop it into their pockets. A few bikers on the road were seen stopping her vehicles on the roadside and picking some cash from the road alongside a homeless woman (with a child) gratefully lifting some cash for herself.
Influencer’s Instagram reels show him showering free money in public
While the video would have initially delighted people for giving away free money, netizens pointed out how the incident created nuisance on the road and disturbed regular traffic movement there. Also, people condemned how the video was a reckless publicity stunt aimed at going viral and attracting followers to his Telegram channel.
X users condemn act, demand police action
Reacting to the video, an X user wrote, “This is completely unacceptable. The content creators responsible for this need to learn some discipline to prevent these kinds of unprofessional and foolish actions in the future.” Another, slamming the incident and tagging city police, said, “Please take strict action so that others don’t even think of doing something like this.”