The sessions court on Friday sentenced Noor Mohammed Mansoori, a 27-year-old man from Agripada, to ten years in prison for culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Mansoori was found guilty of killing his 25-year-old neighbour, Abuza Ansari, in March 2018.
The prosecution alleged that Mansoori stabbed Ansari on March 3, 2018, following a dispute over an online game of UNO, and sought a conviction on murder charges. However, the court convicted Mansoori of culpable homicide on Thursday, and the sentence was announced on Friday morning.
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In a detailed order released later on Friday, Sessions Judge SB Pawar said that Mansoori’s actions were driven by sudden provocation. The court observed that Ansari had assaulted Mansoori’s mother with a bamboo stick shortly before the stabbing. The judge ruled that this act constituted grave and sudden provocation, sufficient to deprive Mansoori of his self-control.
“The incident occurred within moments, and the manner of the assault,along with the evidence provided by the prosecution, supports this inference,” the court stated. As a result, the court did not convict Mansoori of murder and showed leniency in sentencing.