How To Stop Overthinking? 5 Tips to Control Your Thoughts And Lead A Calm Life

Thinking too much about something is not bad unless its chronic and you cannot stop it. Overthinking affects your life in numerous ways and you in some cases, you aren’t even aware of the time you spend thinking of something that is purely just a thought in your mind. It can affect you work, your relationships and even your mental health.

Overthinking can happen due to several causes. Fear and insecurities are primary factors. Fear instills anxiety and people who suffer from it naturally tend to overthink every little thought. Overthinking cannot be cured because really, its not bad to overthink but it does start affecting your life if you continue for longer. What you can do is control your thoughts. Here are five ways you can do so and completely reduce of eliminate overthinking from your life.

Keep track of your triggers

If you realise you’re an overthinker, make sure you know the foundation of your thought that leads to overthinking. Find the reason you feel the way you do. This can help in recognising triggers so that you can begin working on them.

Challenge your thoughts

You do not need to surrender to every thought that crosses your mind. Analyse your thought and if it feels like it is baseless and just a fragment of your imagination, you can manage it and not overthink. Practicing this can help you with overthinking.

Move your body

It is no surprise that exercise helps you maintain a sound body and mind. It can help you with anxiety, depression and other mental health issues. When you move your and sweat, happy hormones are realsed, making you feel good about yourself. When you’re in a good phase with yourself. you don’t tend to overthink.

Adopt a healthy distraction

Chronic overthinking can lead to self-destructive habits that can completely make you hit rock bottom in life. When you sense that you’re slipping into a spiral of overthinking, you can distract your mind and start doing something that will catch your attention and keep you busy, away from your overthinking. Going for a walk, meeting your friends, reading a book can all be a part of the distraction.

Try not to become a victim of substance abuse

When you overthink, the scenarios in your mind become so scary that you look for an escape. Alcohol and drugs seem friendly. But this is where you’ve got to have self-control and refrain from indulging in any substances since they can make your thoughts worse. It can lead to depression.

Overthinking can be difficult to live with but practicing few ways to deal with your thoughts can help you with your thoughts. If nothing helps, it is always recommended to seek medical attention.

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