Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 61-year-old woman was assaulted by her elder son and his wife after the duo demanded their portion in ancestral property, the police reported on Wednesday. The accused duo has been booked, the police added. According to Shahjahanabad police station TI UPS Chouhan, complainant woman is named Naseem Bano, a resident of Shahjahanabad. She is a tailor and has two sons.
On Tuesday night, her elder son Shahrukh,and his wife Samreen reached home, and began demanding their portion in the ancestral property. Bano replied to them by saying that only their father could take decisions related to the distribution of the property, after which the duo turned furious and assaulted Bano. Her younger son rescued her from the duo’s clutches, and a police complaint was lodged against the accused on Wednesday, the police said.
Speeding SUV kills biker
A man riding a bike was crushed to death by a speeding SUV in Katara Hills area on Tuesday evening, which rammed into it head-on, the police said. The pillion rider who received severe injuries has been hospitalised. The errant driver sped away from the spot and is being searched for.
According to Katara Hills police, the man who died has been identified as Jiyalaal (56), a sanitation worker residing in Aadampur Chhavani. He was on his way home from work along with his friend Babulaal on motorcycle. A recklessly-driven SUV car allegedly rammed into their bike in Katara Hills, and sped away. The onlookers rushed the duo to hospital where Jiyalaal died a few minutes after being admitted.