Straining During Bowel Movements Can Lead To Heart Attacks? Know What Recent Study Says About Constipation and Its Threats

If you look for ‘Constipation’ and ‘heart attack’ on google, you will find Elvis Presley’s name attached to it. Elvis suffered from constipation and it is believed that he suffered a heart attack due to straining during bowel movements. Though circumstances around his death in 1977 remain unclear, the research behind constipation being related to heart attack began. This involves a recent research by Australian research involving a thousand people.

How constipation can cause a heart attack?

When you are constipated, you often struggle with bowel movements and usually put a lot of strain on your heart. Straining causes heavy breathing, which leads to increased blood pressure. A Japanese study revealed that people who strained during bowel movements had their blood pressure high and it continued to rise for an hour. This was not the case with young individuals though.

Old people have stiffer blood vessels due to age related issues which is why their blood pressures rises when they strain while young people have flexible blood vessels that allows their blood pressure to get back to normal immediately.

Are constipation and heart attacks linked?

In an Australian study, nearly 540,000 hospitalized adults over 60 with a variety of diseases were included. It was discovered that, in comparison to people of the same age who were not constipated, those who were had an increased risk of hypertension, heart attacks, and strokes. In addition, a Danish study including over 900,000 patients from hospitals and hospital outpatient clinics discovered that constipation was associated with a higher risk of heart attacks and strokes.

According to a study by the National Institute of Health, Patients with cardiovascular illness are often prescribed diuretics, which can induce constipation, and are advised to limit their water intake, particularly if their condition is exacerbated by heart failure. Constipation can also be aggravated by several circumstances following hospitalization, including less activity and environmental changes. Mental pressure brought on by persistent constipation may be linked to elevated blood pressure. Consistent increase in blood pressure damages vessels and can lead to cardiovascular diseases.

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How to treat constipation?

Constipation can be avoided by maintaining a healthy lifestyle from a young age. Maintaining a healthy gut is of utmost importance. Consuming a diet rich in fibre and other nutrients can help you gut stay strong and function efficiently. It is also necessary to include exercise in your routine since it helps with digestion and issues like bloating and indigestion can avoided.

If constipation persists for longer, consult a doctor and make sure you get the required treatment.

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