After a strong showing in the recent Lok Sabha elections in Uttar Pradesh, where it secured 37 out of 80 seats, the Samajwadi Party (SP) is now turning its focus to Maharashtra. The party is eyeing 12 seats in the upcoming Assembly elections and is hopeful that its ally, the Congress, will accommodate these requests as part of the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) coalition.
A senior SP leader told FPJ in Lucknow that party president Akhilesh Yadav has already given the list of seats to the top Congress leadership. “If we contest the elections as an ally of MVA, we can prevent division of votes. This would not only help the MVA but also the SP,” he said.
Recently a delegation of Samajwadi Party leaders had gone to Mumbai to meet the MVA leaders. SP leader and MP Awadhesh Prasad, who recently defeated the BJP in the Ayodhya constituency, was part of the delegation and was felicitated Udhdhav Thackrey.
“SP will surely be part of the MVA alliance. I will go and campaign and would expose BJP’s lies and how it has misled people about Ayodhya,” he said.
The SP has shown particular interest in contesting the Raver and Amravati seats, where Congress currently holds the MLA positions. The party cites a “large minority presence” and “strong anti-incumbency” in these constituencies as reasons for its interest. Other seats on the SP’s list include Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar, Bhiwandi East, Bhiwandi Central, Malegaon Central, Byculla, Versova, Dhule City, Aurangabad East, Anushakti Nagar, and Karanja.
SP had a bad experience in Maharashtra where Congress and NCP had initiated negotiations but “backtracked at the last moment,” during last election leaving the SP with insufficient time to prepare for elections and finalize candidates. Last time in 2019, SP had asked for seven seats but was offered three seats – Mankhurd Shivaji Nagar, Bhiwandi East, and Aurangabad East. Eventually, the SP contested seven seats independently and won two, including Bhiwandi East.
“The SP cadre has supported MVA in recent Lok Sabha elections to ensure party’s victory.” Awadhesh Prasad said.