Deoria: In a shocking incident, a police officer threatened the female family members of an absconding accused at their house in Deoria, Uttar Pradesh. The police officer allegedly reached the house without any female police personnel and threatened the women inside the house. A video of the police officer threatening the women of bulldozer action has surfaced on the internet and it can be seen in the video that the police officer is talking to them in an indecent manner and also mistreating the women.
There are reports that the police officer barged into the house in search of an absconding accused and started questioning the family members of his whereabouts. There were women present in the house during the time when the police raided the house. He said, “Tumhare baap ke ghulam hain kya, tumhara diya hua khate hain kya, besharam behaya ho kya?” (Are we your father’s servants? Do we eat what you give us? Are you shameless and indecent?)
“तुम्हारे बाप के गुलाम है क्या, तुम्हारा दिया हुआ खाते हैं क्या,बेशर्म बेहाया हो क्या”
यह देवरिया भटनी एसओ भदौरिया का हैं जो बिना महिला पुलिस के घर में घुस कर महिला के साथ किया दुर्व्यवहार,
♦आरोपी की पत्नी के मकान पर बुलडोजर चलाने की दे डाली धमकी। @diggorakhpur @Uppolice
— Deoria Times (@deoriatimes) August 31, 2024
He also said, “Police kitni baar aaye tumhare yahan?” (How many times will the police come to you?). The police officer who has been identified as Ranjit Singh Bhadoria from Bhatni Police Station also threatened to demolish the house if the accused does not surrender to police. The accused is a suspect in an attempted murder case and the police officer allegedly mistreated his wife and other women in the house at the time of the raid.
थाना भटनी पर गंभीर धाराओं में पंजीकृत अभियोग में वांछित अभियुक्त की गिरफ्तारी हेतु प्रभारी निरीक्षक भटनी मय विवेचक उसके घर पर गये हुए थे अन्य आरोपों के संबंध में जांच क्षेत्राधिकारी भाटपार रानी को सुपुर्द की गयी। @diggorakhpur
— DEORIA POLICE (@DeoriaPolice) August 31, 2024
He also said, “Tell your husband to arrange for bail, or I will demolish the house with a bulldozer.” The father of the accused intervened and asked the inspector to leave the house as women were present, to which the police officer allegedly abused and also brutally thrashed the elderly man and forced him to sit in the police vehicle.
The incident was reportedly recorded by a family member and video is going viral on social media. The villagers are demanding strict action against the police officer for threatening women, they said that his behaviour was inhumane and it is abuse of power.
The police reacted to the viral video and said, “In-charge Inspector Bhatni along with the investigating officer had gone to the house of the accused wanted in a case registered under serious sections at Bhatni police station. Regarding other charges, the investigation was handed over to the Area Officer Bhatpar Rani”.