Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 56-year-old man was bitten four times by a poisonous cobra in Bhadpura New Colony in the Jabalpur district. The incident occured on September 2, late at night. The man, who went to go to the washroom was bitten by a black cobra snake that was hidden in his room.
The man has been taken to the district hospital where his treatment is underway. Sources say that the condition of the man is critical and he is currently admitted in the ICU of the hospital.
According to information, the victim, identified as 56-year-old Ayub Khan, a resident of the Bhadpura new colony in Jabalpur was asleep late at night on September 2. He woke up to go to the washroom when he heard his pet parrot screeching. As soon as he went to inquire, a black cobra came out of nowhere and bit him four times on his feet.
After the bite, the pain was so excruciating that he screamed on the top of his lungs. Hearing this, his family members got up and took him to the district hospital immediately. According to sources, Khan is admitted in the ICU and is currently critical. His treatment is underway.