Mumbai: Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn has recently leased out his commercial office space in Mumbai’s Andheri area for a monthly rent of Rs 7 lakh to Kabir Khan Entertainment, as per the transaction reviewed by Square Yards. The Leave and License agreement, formalized this September, incurred a stamp duty of Rs 1.12 lakh. Devgn’s office is situated in Signature Tower and developed by Lotus Developers.
The project is located along the Veera Desai Road in Oshiwara, one of the prime locations in Mumbai’s Western Suburbs. It offers seamless access to major highways, metro stations, and is just a short distance from the international airport, making it a highly sought-after area for businesses looking for well-connected office spaces. The locality’s vibrant mix of retail, dining, and entertainment options further elevates its status as a business hub.
Ajay Devgn Thanks Daughter Nysa Devgan For His ‘SPF-Ready’ Look; See Photo
According to Square Yards, the leased property spans 3,455 sq. ft. and includes three car parking spaces. The agreement, secured with a Rs 30 lakh deposit, is for a period of 60 months. The actor, along with his wife Kajol, owns multiple properties within the same project. They are among several Bollywood celebrities, who have also invested in commercial spaces in Signature Tower.