Mumbai: After controversy erupted in the media, Supriya Sule denied any direction given to NCP SP party spokespersons to target only DCM Devendra Fadnavis in front of media. But Fadnavis expressed gratitude of Sule for targeting him.
There was news shown in the media that Supriya Sule in the meeting of spokespersons of her NCP SP party directed them to target only Fadnavis.
Sule while reacting infront of media asked “I haven’t issued any direction to target Fadnavis. If you have any evidence or videos show me.”On the other hand, Fadnavis expressed gratitude of Sule “Gratitude, if She has given such directions.”
Revenue minister and BJP leader, Radhakrishna Vikhe-Patil condemned the statement of sule. He said “such arrogance is not good in the politics. No one should target anyone at such low level.” He further said “Opposition don’t like the progress done by the Mahayuti government.”