Navi Mumbai: 42-Year-Old Biker Becomes First To Undergo Renal Denervation For Resistant Hypertension At Apollo Hospitals

Navi Mumbai: A Uran based 42 year old biker has become the first person in Navi Mumbai to get extremely High blood pressure levels treated through a special intervention.

The biker, Chetan Wazekar, for past few months was suffering with blurred vision, dizziness, palpitation, headaches and shortness of breath due to uncontrolled blood pressure. Wazekar had been battling resistant Hyper Tension (HT), a condition where high blood pressure remains uncontrolled despite being on multiple antihypertensive medications.

Inspite of his active lifestyle, his blood pressure remained dangerously high, placing him at a significantly increased risk for heart attacks, stroke, kidney failure which would adversely impact his health. By Dr. Brajesh Kunwar, Senior Interventional Cardiologist at Apollo Hospitals Navi Mumbai advised him Renal Denervation Procedure, as the last resort to help him find relief in his condition.

Navi Mumbai: Biker Chetan Wazekar successfully treated for resistant hypertension at Apollo Hospitals

“I have been undergoing treatment under Dr Kunwar since last few years and when he suggested this intervention, I did not even research and went with his advice as I knew he would suggest the best for me. And after the procedure, I can verily see the difference in me,” Wazekar said.

Resistant HT is a complex condition that can be influenced by factors such as genetics, lifestyle, and interactions between various medications. Wazekar had consulted the doctor with symptoms like blurred vision, dizziness, palpitations, headaches, and shortness of breath on slight exertion and an alarming BP of 240 mmHg. After thorough assessment, Dr. Kunwar recommended Renal Denervation as a solution.

“Renal Denervation is a new minimally invasive procedure used to manage resistant HT, which is high blood pressure that doesn’t respond well to standard treatments. By using a catheter to deliver radiofrequency ablation to the nerves surrounding the renal arteries, the sympathetic nerve signals that contribute to elevated blood pressure are disrupted. This reduction in sympathetic nervous system activity helps lower blood pressure and can potentially decrease the need for multiple medications. It offers a promising option for long-term blood pressure control in patients who have not achieved satisfactory results with conventional treatments,” the doctor said, adding, “The prevalence of resistant HT ranges from 10% to 20% among patients with hypertension. At a young age of 42 yrs, having been diagnosed with uncontrolled HT could have serious implications for the patient. He leads an active lifestyle and is a very enthusiastic person. It would be tragic if we were not able to provide timely medical intervention. Renal Denervation offered a promising solution to effectively manage his blood pressure and reduce his dependence on medication in the long run.”

Dr Kunwar emphasised that this new technique is currently done only on adults and is recommended in case of resistant HT only. But in future, he hopes that this could be the first line of treatment for the patients with hyper tension and thus reducing the dependency on tablets for controlling the blood pressure. “The procedure marks a significant advancement in HT management, offering new hope for patients struggling to control their blood pressure through medication alone,” he added.

On August 23, Wazekar underwent a successful Renal Denervation procedure performed by Dr. Kunwar through a minimally invasive approach via the right femoral artery. On August 27, he got discharged and resumed his work on the same day. Wazekar is a freelance civil engineer, professionally.

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“Before the procedure, even everyday tasks were daunting due to my high blood pressure, and I was constantly worried about my health. Now, I feel like a new person. My blood pressure is under control, and I can finally go about my life without the constant fear of what might happen. I’m excited to get back on the road and conquer new peaks without worrying about my health,” Wazekar added.

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