On Saturday, September 7, the Ambani family hosted their annual grand Ganesh Chaturthi celebration, where many Bollywood A-list celebrities made an entry in luxurious ethnic style. Among them, actress Sara Ali Khan stood out in an exquisite multi-hued brocade silk lehenga custom-made by Indian ace designer Mayyur Girotra. The ensemble not only accentuated her elegant style but also highlighted her commitment to preserving Indian heritage through sustainable fashion.
Interestingly, the lehenga is handcrafted from vintage brocade sarees preserved by the couturier for more than fifty years.
On Instagram, the designer label revealed, “The exquisite lehenga handcrafted from old re-cycled brocade sarees around 50-60 years old is a testament to Mayyur Girotra’s deep passion for textile heritage. Over the years, Mayyur has carefully curated a collection of rare sarees, fabrics, and pure zaris embroidery patchworks, which he transforms into timeless pieces for his discerning clients. For this particular creation, our design house has woven together multi-coloured vintage brocade sarees into an intricate, vibrant lehenga capturing the rich history and artistry of Indian textiles.”
Decoding Sara Ali Khan’s rare lehenga look
The one-of-a-kind handcrafted ensemble from the shelve of Mayyur Girotra featured Sara Ali Khan in a vibrant lehenga, complemented with a tissue silk dupatta adorned with intricate pure zardozi zari embroidery and a purple blouse featuring golden pattern.
Sara exuded elegance in a statement green and golden choker necklace, matching jhumkas and a ring. The Murder Mubarak actress’ rare look was complemented with minimal makeup glam, featuring dewy skin, kohled eyes, pinky gloss lips, and a middle-parted half-up and half-down hairdo.
Ambani’s Ganesh Chaturthi 2024 bash
On Saturday night, the Ambani family organised their lavish Ganesh Chaturthi 2024 celebration at Antilia, Mumbai. Along with Sara Ali Khan, many Bollywood stars such as Ananya Pandey, Sonam Kapoor, Kiara Advani, Sidharth Malhotra, Salman Khan, Kareena Kapoor, Saif Ali Khan and others graced the event in traditional couture. Further, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and other politicians were also part of the Ganehotsav.