Chandigarh: Punjab police on Friday on Friday claimed to have cracked the Wednesday night’s Chandigarh grenade blast case, which it claimed was masterminded by ISI-backed Pakistan-based terrorist Harwinder Singh alias Rinda of Babbar Khalsa International (BKI) and USA-based Harpreet Singh alias Happy Passia with the arrest of a main perpetrator, in joint operation with Central agencies.
Two unknown persons had on Wednesday night lobbed a hand grenade in a house in a posh locality, Sector-10, Chandigarh, though no one was hurt in the incident.
Chandigarh: DGP Punjab Gaurav Yadav says, “In a joint operation with central agencies, Punjab Police has arrested the main accused in the Chandigarh grenade blast case. Further investigation is underway with Chandigarh Police to uncover the entire conspiracy. Preliminary findings…
— IANS (@ians_india) September 13, 2024
“The hand grenade used in this incident is military grade equipment smuggled from across the border through drones with the help of ISI. Police have identified the other accused person as well, and raids are being conducted to nab him,” said the DGP Yadav.
Grenade attack on a house in Sector 10, #Chandigarh .
After the grenade attack, a crater of about 7 to 8 inches was formed, house glass broken.
An auto is suspected in the grenade attack from which the attackers came.#Punjab #PunjabNews #grenadeattack
— Sujit Gupta (@sujitnewslive) September 11, 2024
VIDEO | A hand grenade was allegedly thrown in the premises of a house in Sector 10, Chandigarh earlier today. Heavy police presence at the spot, investigation is underway.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) September 11, 2024
DGP Yadav said that during questioning, arrested accused Rohan confessed to involvement in the grenade blast, revealing he acted at the behest of Happy Passia, who provided the hand grenade and weapons through his associates. Happy Passia had also arranged finances and logistics for them, he added.
Sharing more details, AIG State Special Operation Cell (SSOC) Amritsar, Sukhminder Singh Mann said that after committing the crime, accused Rohan and his associate had travelled first to Amritsar and thereafter, took their separate ways. Rohan initially went to his acquaintance in Khanna but had returned to Amritsar as he planned to further travel to J&K, he said, while adding that in the meantime he was arrested.
Chandigarh: Hand Grenade Allegedly Thrown At A House In Sector 10; Shocking Video Surfaces
The AIG said that prima facie it appears that they were trying to target a specific person as the same terror group had attempted a similar attack at the same location last year. That attempt was successfully foiled by the Punjab police with the arrest of two operatives identified as Bikramjit Singh alias Raja of Batala and Bawa Singh of Majitha, he added.