Alzheimer’s Vs Dementia: Know The Difference

While many get confused between these two terms, here’s what the difference between Alzeihmers and dementia isDementia is a term for a range of conditions that affect cognitive abilities. While
Alzheimer’s disease is a specific type of dementia that causes progressive memory loss and cognitive declineSymptoms of Dementia include memory problems, confusion, reduced concentration, personality or behavior changes, apathy and withdrawal. It gets difficult to perform everyday tasks with dementiaSymptoms of Alzheimer’s includes memory loss that disrupts daily life, challenges in planning or solving problems, difficulty completing familiar tasks, confusion with time or place, and changes in mood or personality
Dementia is caused due to progressive death of brain cells and neurons, head injury, brain tumor, or strokeAlzheimers is caused due to combination of genetic, lifestyle, and environmental factorsDementia affects everyone differently and rates of progression vary widely while Alzheimer gradually gets worse with age

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