In preparation for the upcoming Maharashtra Assembly elections in 2024, the Election Commission has streamlined polling stations in the Greater Mumbai area, which includes Mumbai city and its suburbs. As a result of this organizational effort, the number of polling stations in Greater Mumbai has increased to 10,111, reflecting an addition of 218 stations compared to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
To improve voter accessibility, the average number of voters per polling station has been reduced from 1,500 to 1,200. This change is expected to enhance both voter turnout and the efficiency of the voting process.
Under the guidance of Bhushan Gagarani, the District Election Officer and Municipal Commissioner of Greater Mumbai, administrative preparations are underway in accordance with directives from both the Election Commission of India and the State Election Commission. The organization of polling stations has been a key focus of these efforts.
The reorganization strategy aimed to ensure that each polling station accommodates an average of 1,200 voters, leading to a decentralization of stations in areas with higher voter numbers. Consequently, some regions in Greater Mumbai will see an increase in polling stations compared to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections.
On September 19, 2024, a meeting was held at the Greater Mumbai Municipal Corporation headquarters with representatives from various political parties to discuss the restructuring of polling stations. During this meeting, Dr. Ashwini Joshi, Additional District Election Officer and Additional Municipal Commissioner (City), provided detailed information about the changes under Gagarani’s guidance. Other officials, including Sanjay Yadav, the city district collector, and representatives from various political parties, were also in attendance.
Previously, there were 2,509 polling stations in Mumbai city and 7,384 in the suburban district during the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. With the recent reorganization, these numbers have risen to 2,537 and 7,574, respectively, resulting in a total of 10,111 polling stations across Greater Mumbai.
To inform voters about the changes in polling station locations, the administration has launched a public awareness campaign titled “Know Your Polling Station.” This initiative will involve voter registration officials visiting homes to share information about the new polling locations. Additionally, registered voters will be informed through written communication and media outreach.