The Maharashtra State Human Rights Commission (SHRC) has issued directives to the dean of St George’s Hospital and the secretary of Medical Education and Drugs Department to immediately address the unhygienic conditions prevailing at the medical facility.
The directives come in response to a complaint filed by RTI activist Chetan Kothari, who raised concerns over the deteriorating cleanliness standards at the hospital.
Kothari’s complaint was based on a newspaper report highlighting the hospital’s poor state of hygiene. It noted that St George’s, once renowned for its cleanliness, has now become infamous for its untidy and filthy environment. The report pointed to gutkha spit stains, broken window panes, shut water dispensers, and the presence of medical and edible waste across the premises. The unhygienic conditions, the report warned, could lead to an increased risk of infections among patients.
The SHRC, considering Kothari’s complaint, has sought clarification from the authorities on these demands and instructed them to address the cleanliness issues without delay.
Chetan Kothari’s plea before the SHRC and the 3 demands
Filling vacancies: The activist urged the government to fill all vacant Class 4 employee positions at the hospital, as these workers are essential for maintaining cleanliness.
Cleanliness drive: He called for a thorough cleanliness drive to be conducted at St George’s Hospital under the government’s supervision.
Long-term measures: Kothari also requested that the government outline and implement measures to ensure that all hospitals under its jurisdiction remain clean and hygienic in the long term.