Khargone (Madhya Pradesh): Inspector General of Police, Indore Zone (Rural), Anurag conducted a surprise inspection of police stations in the district and held an annual crime review meeting at the police control room, on Monday. The IG directed that pending cases related to women, Scheduled Castes and Tribes, and property be resolved promptly, providing necessary guidelines to all officers.
Deputy IG Nimar Range Siddharth Bahuguna, SP Dharmaraj Meena, ASP Manohar Singh Bariya, all SDOPs and police station in-charges were present at the meeting. Before the meeting, IG Anurag inspected the Chainpur and Bistan police stations located near the Maharashtra border, checking the station’s registers and armory.
He also inspected the allotted land for the proposed battalion and reviewed the building plans. The IG asked the police station staff regarding the maintenance of station records, the computer system, CCTNS, NCRP portal, Malkhana, police-public relations, security of prisoners in lockup and station cleanliness.
IG’s instructions
* In view of the upcoming festivals, officers were directed to take immediate prohibitory action against gambling, betting, illegal cow transportation and the smuggling of illegal weapons and liquor.
* Applications for the cancellation of bail for habitual criminals should be reviewed and steps should be taken to cancel the bail of the accused.
* Cases of murder, missing persons and complaints should be resolved immediately.
* Maximum efforts should be made to execute warrants for absconding criminals.
* A review of all pending crimes was conducted with instructions to resolve them quickly and arrest wanted suspects.