A father’s efforts to stop his son from drinking alcohol turned into a brutal tragedy in Uttar Pradesh’s Gorakhpur on Thursday. The incident occurred in the Pipraich police station area, where a son, Kanhaiya Tiwari, attacked his father, Satya Prakash Tiwari, with a brick over 20 times and then staged the crime as a suicide.
The gruesome incident unfolded when Kanhaiya, an alcoholic, got into a heated argument with his father over his drinking habits. The confrontation escalated after Satya Prakash tried to prevent his son from consuming more alcohol. Enraged, Kanhaiya grabbed a brick and repeatedly struck his father’s face and head. After the brutal attack, Kanhaiya allegedly attempted to stage his father’s death as a suicide, hanging the lifeless body from a fan in their house.
The police arrested Kanhaiya shortly after the brutal incident. A chilling video of the incident, captured on a neighbor’s phone, shows the son threatening his father before picking up a large stone and attacking him.
Watch the video here:
वीडियो बनाते रहे लोग… बेटे ने पिता को ईंट से कूचकर मार डाला…!
किसी ने वीडियो छोड़ झगड़ा छुड़ाने का किया होता प्रयास तो बच जाती सत्यप्रकाश की जान।#viralvideo #ViralVideos #gorakhpur #पिपराइच pic.twitter.com/nIOZG03Lit
— ANURAG PANDEY️ #tweets are personal (@ANURAGP22784) September 26, 2024
Kanhaiya’s mother had passed away years ago, leaving Satya Prakash to raise his son alone. Both father and son worked as daily laborers to sustain themselves. According to locals, Kanhaiya’s alcohol addiction had been a constant source of tension between the two. Their arguments often turned violent, with Satya Prakash attempting in vain to dissuade his son from drinking.
The brutal attack was witnessed by neighbors, who immediately alerted the police. The victim was rushed to a local health center and later referred to a medical college hospital. Tragically, Satya Prakash succumbed to his injuries before reaching the hospital.
Accused held
Police along with forensic teams are investigating the scene, and a case has been registered. Kanhaiya, who initially fled the scene, was later apprehended by authorities.