Gaurav Taneja, also known as the ‘Flying beast’ by all his YouTube viewers has found himself in a pool of controversies after his wife Ritu Rathee was recently spotted at the ‘Bhajan Marg’ by Premanand Maharaj, where, she was seen speaking about dealing with ‘cheating’ and whether or not she should fight for the custody of her kids. Although, Ritu’s face was hidden and she did not disclose her identity, ardent viewers of both Ritu and Gaurav were quick to spot that it was her.
Gaurav then issued a clarification on his Instagram yesterday, stating he will never give a public explanation and is ready to live with negativity all his life. He also states how men are easily villainized.
Now, amid all of this, an old video of Gaurav speaking about men cheating after a woman gives birth has been doing rounds on the internet. In this video, Gaurav can be seen saying how after child birth, all of a woman’s attention is diverted to the child itself and that the man is left alone. He further states that contrary to popular belief, it is during this time that 80-82 percent men cheat on their wives.
Have a look at the video of Gaurav here:
While both Ritu and Gaurav have refrained from commenting on the ongoing rumours, in a viral video, Ritu Rathee was seen speaking to Premanand Maharaj, a popular spiritual leader, about being cheated on even after loving her husband so much. She was also seen asking if she should fight for the custody of her daughters.