Mumbai: The online feud between stand-up comedian Kunal Kamra and OLA Electric founder Bhavish Aggarwal has escalated after Kunal reacted to a post alleging that OLA service centers are not addressing customer complaints. Instead, it was claimed they have hired bouncers to handle customers. An internet user shared a post, tagging Kunal Kamra, and claimed that OLA has recruited bouncers at all service centers and has stopped accepting more scooters for repairs.
The internet user shared a post on X (formerly Twitter), alleging that bouncers armed with weapons were sitting outside service centers and misbehaving with customers, including women. The user stated, “Kunal Kamra, OLA has now recruited about 5-6 BOUNCERS at every service center… I just visited my nearby OLA service center and saw all the bouncers there arguing with customers, even female customers. Is this the kind of service we’re getting?”
Kunal Kamra responded to the post, calling on journalists to fact-check the claim. He said, “Please, can a journalist fact-check this? If true, this is truly unique – Sales team for sales & bouncers for after-sales.”
Please can a journalist fact check this.
If true this is truly unique –
Sales team for sales & Bouncers for after sales
— Kunal Kamra (@kunalkamra88) October 20, 2024
Another user shared videos and pictures allegedly from outside an OLA service center, claiming he had an appointment for servicing his vehicle that day. However, the employees were not accepting his scooter for repair, and there were bouncers at the center armed with weapons. He said, “My OLA service appointment, ticket 05735050, is scheduled for 2024-10-20 at the OLA Experience Centre in Virar-Mumbai, and no one is taking my scooter for repair or providing a job sheet. Bouncers are at the center with weapons to respond to customers.”
See @kunalkamra88
Ola service appointment ticket 05735050 is scheduled for 2024-10-20 at OLA Experience Centre, Virar-Mumbai and No one is taking a scooter for repair, no job sheet giving. Bouncers are at Center to reply to the customer with weapons.
— Amol Choudhary (@AmolBpl) October 20, 2024
Numerous complaints have been raised against OLA electric scooters since their launch. Several videos have surfaced on social media showing scooters catching fire in the middle of the road. In some cases, frustrated customers have shared videos singing sad songs outside OLA service centers or even transporting their scooters on carts, symbolising a funeral. Customers have expressed serious concerns about the company’s poor after-sales service.
The online feud between Kunal Kamra and Bhavish Aggarwal intensified after the comedian reacted to a post shared by the OLA founder. Bhavish Aggarwal had posted an update showcasing the gigafactory, to which Kunal Kamra responded with an image of OLA scooters waiting for service. This sparked a public exchange, with Bhavish Aggarwal replying to Kamra by calling him a “failed comedian” and sarcastically offering him a job at the OLA factory. OLA stocks were also hit after the online feud escalated. The stocks registered a steep dive of 8.38% on NSE and 8.31% on BSE.