In a major embarrsement the Kerala Blasters fans were attacked by the Mohammedan SC fans for goal celebration during the (ISL) match on Sunday. The incident happened following Jesus Jimenez’s goal in the 75th minute at Kishore Bharati stadium. Fans of Muhammadans in the adjacent stand began throwing bottles and shoes at the Blasters supporters. For the safety of supporters, the area designated for away fans was sealed off temporarily.
Mohammedan SC Fans throwing stones, bottles at Kerala Blasters Fans for celebration
— The Khel India (@TheKhelIndia) October 20, 2024
The match was halted for at least five minutes when Mohammedan SC fans started hurling bottles onto the pitch
— The Khel India (@TheKhelIndia) October 20, 2024
Kerala Blasters FC expressed profound concern about the aggression directed at their fans during the recent encounter in Kolkata. The safety and comfort of their supporters are paramount, for they represent an integral part of the club, home and away.
In their official statement, the club also mentioned, “We have been in contact with the relevant authorities in Kolkata and the league to gain a full understanding of the situation and have taken necessary action. It is the responsibility of every club to ensure that their fans enjoy a safe environment at matches. Such incidents are unacceptable in football and must be addressed to guarantee the safety of players, officials, and fans alike.”
ℹ️ An update…#KeralaBlasters #KBFC #MSCKBFC #YennumYellow
— Kerala Blasters FC (@KeralaBlasters) October 20, 2024
Mohammedan SC vs Kerala Blasters match highlights
Kerala Blasters FC pulled off a memorable 2-1 victory over Mohammedan SC at the Kishore Bharati Krirangan on Sunday, marking the first time in 27 games that they have won an away match after conceding first in the Indian Super League (ISL).
irjalol Kasimov handed Mohammedan SC the lead before two second-half strikes from Kwame Peprah and Jesus Jimenez saw Mikael Stahre’s men secure their third consecutive victory in Kolkata, a feat they had never achieved in the competition. M
Mohammedan SC will host Hyderabad FC at home on October 26 while Kerala Blasters FC will play Bengaluru FC on October 25 in Kochi.