The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is anticipated to publish the CBSE board exam date sheet 2025 for the 10th and 12th grades on its official website,, in December 2024. The CBSE board exams for 2025 are anticipated to begin on February 15 and end in April, as per reports. At 8,000 schools nationwide and overseas, almost 44 lakh applicants will sit for the Class 10 and 12 board exams.
The CBSE announced the schedule for the 2024 board exams in the middle of December, and the announcement for the 2023 exams was made near the end of December.
How to check?
-Visit the official CBSE website,
-Choose the link to the CBSE date sheet for the 10th or 12th grade in 2025.
-A PDF will appear on the screen.
-Save it and open it.
-Print the date sheet, then utilise it for your tests.
CBSE practical exams
The practical exam schedule has also been released by CBSE. Class 10 and 12 practical exams, project submissions, and internal assessments must be finished between November 5 and December 5, 2024, for schools that are winter-bound. Practical tests in other areas will start on January 1, 2025.
CBSE sample papers
The academic portal,, has made sample question papers for the final exams of the 10th and 12th grades available. These practice papers can help students learn the format and marking system of the test as well as the kinds of questions that will be asked.