Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): A 4-year-old girl residing in the Bilkhiriya area of rural Bhopal was allegedly raped by her cousin almost a month ago, the police reported on Thursday and detained the accused, a minor. The delay in lodging the report by the girl’s family as the accused was part of the extended family.
Bilkhiriya police station TI Virendra Sen told Free Press that the victim and the accused are neighbours. Almost a month ago, her cousin (uncle’s son) who is 13 years old took her to his house where he raped her. The girl came back and complained about pain in her private parts. When questioned by her mother, she narrated the entire incident.When questioned by her mother, she narrated the entire incident.
The girl’s father was told of the incident, but he wanted to keep things under wraps. However, the girl’s mother could not accept the incident, and she approached the Bilkhiriya police on Wednesday.
After probing the incident, the police detained the accused minor on Thursday. Girl was raped: Police
The investigating officials at the Bilkhiriya police station told Free Press that the parents of the accused minor boy had denied that any such incident had taken place. However, the medical reports revealed that the girl had been assaulted sexually.
The accused minor boy, after detention, has been sent to the correction home, the police said.