Assam Direct Recruitment Grade 4 Exam Tomorrow: Key Details, Exam Timings and Guidelines

The State Level Recruitment Commission (SLRC) Assam will hold the direct recruitment grade 4 exam tomorrow, October 27. There are 5,023 openings for the ADRE grade 4 recruiting exam, with 1,088 for HSLC, 1,833 for HSLC+ITI, and 2,102 for Class 8 level positions.

Exam time:

Morning Shift (HSLC and HSLC+ITI): 9 am to 11:30 am  

Second Shift (Class 8 level test): 1:30 pm to 4 pm

How to download Assam direct recruitment admit card 2024:

Visit the Board of Secondary Education of Assam’s official website at

The screen displays the website’s home page.

Next, select the “State Level Recruitment Commission for Class IV Posts” button, which is green or blue.

The screen turns to a new page. Select the link labelled “ADRE Admit Card 2024.”

Submit the login information after entering your application number and password.

The screen displays the ADRE Exam 2024 admit card. Download it right now.

Exam marking system:

There will be a total of 135 multiple-choice questions. One mark will be awarded for each question, and 0.25 points will be subtracted for each wrong response.


A printout of the admission card and one original, valid picture identification card—such as an Aadhar, PAN, driver’s license, or voter ID—must be brought by every applicant. Without these two documents, you will not be permitted to enter the exam room.

Frisking is going to be required. Candidates should dress in half-sleeved clothing and slippers rather than shoes to speed up the frisking process.

Admit cards (printed on A4 paper), physical proof of identification (ideally an Aadhar card, PAN card, driver’s license, or voter ID), blue or black ballpoint pens, PwD certificates and scribe-related documents, if applicable, and water in clear, unlabelled bottles are among the items permitted within the exam room.

Prior to taking the test, candidates need to verify that the OMR sheet matches their roll number and is theirs.

Applicants are required to arrive at least one hour prior to the start of the test. They must to confirm the exam location’s address one day beforehand.

After the gates have been closed, no candidate will be permitted entry to the exam site.

After the exam is over, candidates should stay seated in their seats. The OMR sheets will be gathered by invigilators, who will then permit them to remove the question papers.

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