Andhra Pradesh: A tragic incident occurred when a two-wheeler carrying a bag of Diwali firecrackers exploded, resulting in the death of one person and injuries to six others in Andhra Pradesh’s Eluru district. The accident occurred on Thursday as two men transported a load of ‘onion bombs,’ a popular type of Diwali firecracker.
The explosion was triggered when the bike hit a pothole near a local temple, causing the bag of firecrackers to fall to the ground and detonate. According to some reports, the force of the blast was comparable to an improvised explosive device (IED).
❗️’Onion Bomb’ Diwali Tragedy Kills One, Injures Six In Andhra Pradesh
A man on a scooter carrying firecrackers known as ‘onion bombs,’ hit a pothole, causing the explosives to fall and detonate, reportedly with the power of an IED. Two are in critical condition in hospital.
— RT_India (@RT_India_news) October 31, 2024
CCTV Footage Shows Shocking Blast Scenes
CCTV footage captured the incident, at around 12:17 pm, the two men on a white scooter were seen driving swiftly down a narrow street. As they neared an intersection where the street widened, the bike exploded, enveloping the area in a thick cloud of dark grey smoke.
Paper fragments from the crackers scattered in the air, and as the smoke cleared, two men who had narrowly escaped the blast ran for safety, clutching their ears, likely affected by the deafening sound.
Severe Blast Leads To Tragic Death Of 2-Wheeler Rider
The impact of the blast was so severe that the legs and other body parts of the two-wheeler rider got dismembered, according to a police officer’s report to PTI. The pillion rider and two other bystanders standing on the roadside suffered injuries and were taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. The severity of the blast created a chaotic scene, with debris from the bike and the crackers scattered across the road.
Following the incident, local police registered a case and launched an investigation to determine the exact cause and to assess the safe handling and transport of such powerful firecrackers.