Chief Minister Eknath Shinde held a public sabha at Katekar ground in the Kamatghar area in Bhiwandi. CM Eknath Shinde attended with three candidates: two-term incumbent MLA Mahesh Chugule from Bhiwandi West, incumbent MLA Shantaram More from Bhiwandi Rural, and Santosh Shetty from Eknath Shinde-led Shivsena from Bhiwandi East. Bhau Beej is not just for a year; now Bhau Beej will be every month by our government come into power. The Ladaki Bahin Yojana was started by Ladki Bhau Eknath Shinde and his allied party.
Shinde said that the Opposition mentioned that whoever started the Ladki Bahin Yojna would go to jail after the Opposition came to power. He asked the people if they wanted to send their brothers to jail.
Maharashtra CM Eknath Shinde On Expansion Of Ladki Bahin Yojna
The Ladki Bahin Yojna will be expanded after our government comes into power. If the people support us, we will increase the benefits from 1500 to 2000, 2000 to 2500, and 2500 to 3000. Our government aims to make all Ladki Bahins wealthy. Our government only focuses on providing benefits. Shinde criticized the earlier government for only focusing on collecting installments but our government for only giving installments.
Shinde said that once our three MLAs are in power, we will work on road development and slum redevelopment projects without demolishing any slum houses. Bhiwandi will be free from pollution and traffic, and its development will be similar to Thane’s development. Shinde stated that he is a common man, and the people are Superman.