The UPSC Combined Geo-Scientist exam 2024 interview or personality test schedule has been released by the Union Public Service Commission. Candidates who passed the Mains exam can view the timetable at, the UPSC’s official website.
The commission will conduct the interviews between December 9 and December 12, 2024, in accordance with the approved schedule.
The UPSC official notice states, “The Commission has decided to commence the Tests (Interviews) of written qualified candidates of Combined Geo-Scientist Examination, 2024 from 9th December, 2024. The e-Summon Letters of Personality Tests (Interviews) of the candidates will be made available shortly, which may be downloaded from the Commission’s website & . No request for change in the date and time of the Personality Test (Interview) allotted to the candidates will ordinarily be entertained.”
Travel allowance:
The commission will compensate out-of-town candidates’ travel expenses for attending PT boards and interviews. However, these applicants must fulfil the following requirements:
According to the Supplementary Rules, applicants who travel by rail, regardless of class, will get reimbursement for their second/sleeper class train fare (Mail Express).
In the case of a train journey, candidates must present paper copies or printouts of their tickets (to and fro) along with the required T.A. claim form, properly completed in duplicate.
Additionally, candidates must carefully follow the aforementioned guidelines when planning their travel to the interview, according to the commission’s notice.
About the exam
The date of the UPSC Geoscientist preliminary exams was February 18, 2024. On August 14, the main result for 2024 was announced. 110 applicants in all were suggested for the positions of geologist, hydrogeologist, geophysicist, chemist, or chemical.