Mumbai: Union Home Minister Amit Shah, during a rally in Maharashtra’s Dhule district, sharply criticised the Maha Vikas Aghadi (MVA) alliance, referring to it as the ‘Aurangzeb Fan Club. He also targeted Uddhav Thackeray for his current political alliances, accusing him of abandoning the core values of his father, the late Balasaheb Thackeray, and forsaking key issues like the renaming of Aurangabad, the Ram temple construction, Article 370’s revocation, and the surgical strike against Pakistan in his pursuit of power.
Shah asked, “Uddhav Babu, who are you sitting with today?” Amit Shah emphasised that every vote for the BJP will play a crucial role in shaping India’s future. He warned that if the MVA comes to power, Maharashtra will be exploited for resources, effectively turning it into an “ATM” for Congress, something that Prime Minister Narendra Modi, too, had insinuated two days ago.
#WATCH | Union Home Minister Amit Shah addresses a public rally in Dhule, Maharashtra
He says, “Modi ji has made the country prosperous and safer. During (former PM) Manmohan Singh, India was at the eleventh position on the list of world economies but Modi brought the country…
— ANI (@ANI) November 13, 2024
#WATCH | During a public rally in Dhule, Maharashtra, Union Home Minister Amit Shah says, “Aghadi (Maha Vikas Aghadi) only wants to do appeasement. To gain power, Uddhav ji has forgotten all the principles of Balasaheb Thackeray. Uddhav babu, who are you sitting with today?…
— ANI (@ANI) November 13, 2024
Home Minister Blames Congress For Misleading People With False Promises
Confident that the BJP would form the government in both Jharkhand and Maharashtra, he blamed the Congress for misleading people with false promises in Telangana, Karnataka, and Himachal Pradesh. He also criticised Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over a recent incident involving a copy of the Indian Constitution.
“When journalists got their hands on that copy, it had blank pages. By showing a fake Constitution, Rahul broke the trust of the people and insulted Babasaheb. Apparently, you have never read the Indian Constitution, Rahul Baba,” he said.
Amit Shah Accuses Congress Of Ignoring National Security Issues
He also accused Congress of ignoring national security issues during the tenure of the Sonia Gandhi Manmohan Singh government, claiming it failed to act on Naxalism and terrorism due to vote bank politics. He also dismissed claims that investment in Maharashtra had dropped under the current government. He didn’t spare NCP (SP) chief Sharad Pawar either and accused him of not granting Marathi the status of a classical language despite his long tenure as Chief Minister and Union Minister.