Cats have been beloved pets for humans with a long history of admiration and affection. For those who adore cats, here are 5 lesser-known cat breeds.A planned breeding between Siamese and domestic black cats in England during the 1950s led to the creation of the Havana Brown by a group of cat lovers.Domestic cats are known to be fearful of water, unlike fishing cats typically inhabiting mangrove forests. The fishing cat is a wild cat of medium size found in South and Southeast Asia. The fur is a dark yellowish-grey color and has black lines and spots.
The Cornish Rex is a type of house cat breed. The Cornish Rex is hairless except for a layer of down hair. The majority of cat breeds possess three distinct kinds of hair in their fur: the outer fur known as “guard hairs”, a middle layer known as “awn hair”, and the undercoat or down hair, which is very fine and approximately 1 cm in length.The Munchkin breed of cat is known for its extremely short legs, which are the result of a genetic mutation. In comparison to numerous other cat breeds, this breed is relatively recent, with records dating back to the 1940s and gaining official recognition in 1991. The original dwarf cat breed is known as the Munchkin.The Ukrainian Levkoy is a type of cat with ears that fold inwards and minimal to no fur. The cats are medium-sized with a long body, looking muscular and slender. Having supple, flexible skin causes wrinkles when there is too much of it.Originating in Canada, the beautiful and rare Tonkinese cat is a mix of the Burmese and Siamese breeds. Mixing these two types of cats produced a series of felines that are clever, interactive, and chatty. Resisting the charm of their distinctive aquamarine-colored eyes is difficult.
Are You A Cat Person? Take A Look At Rare Breeds That Exist