Kaveri Priyam, currently seen in Star Plus’ Ghun Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin took to her Instagram handle to drop a few pictures from her recent photo shoot. The actress looked sizzling in a white ribbed top and a blue denim shorts. As for her makeup, the actress opted for subtle kohl eyes and brown lips. Best known for her stint in shows like Yeh Rishte Hain Pyaar Ke and more, Kaveri is currently a part of Bhavika Sharma and Hitesh Bharadwaj’s ‘Ghum Hai Kisikey Pyaar Meiin’ where she is seen essaying the negative lead of the show. Before GHKKPM, the actress was paired opposite Paras Arora in SAB TV’s Dil Diyaan Gallaan, where her chemistry with the actor was widely loved. However, post a generation leap, the actress called it quits, post which, Devoleena Bhattacharjee stepped in to essay the female lead. However, post her exit, the show did not perform very well and was later on axed eventually.
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