CM Mohan Yadav Showcases Investment Potential Of MP In London; Pays Tribute To Dr. Ambedkar On Constitution Day

Bhopal (Madhya Pradesh): Chief Minister Mohan Yadav said that Madhya Pradesh has immense possibilities in the field of investment and invited businessmen to invest in the state. He was addressing an interactive session on Investment Opportunities in Madhya Pradesh in London on the second day of his United Kingdom tour on Tuesday.

Pitching for Madhya Pradesh he said that the state government is transparent and unlike other states like Maharashtra, availability of land is not a problem. He praised the leadership skill of PM Narendra Modi who led the country through the troubled time of corona and took various steps to save the people.

CM went to Dr BR Ambedkar House in London to mark the Constitution Day on Tuesday. He, accompanied by his wife, garlanded the statue of Dr Ambedkar and recited the Preamble of the Constitution. During his study period in London in 1921-22, Dr Ambedkar had stayed at this bungalow.

“ If the biggest democracy of the world is united then Dr Ambedkar has the biggest contribution in it,” he said. He underlined that justice is the soul of Constitution and it could be achieved if we walk on the path shown by it. He was of the view that people should know about the difficulties which were encountered while framing the Constitution along with understanding its Preamble.

Throughout the year, programmes will be held to inform people about the main theme of the Constitution. He thanked PM for develop places connected with Dr Ambedkar as a pilgrim sites. He also informed that anniversary of Dr Hari Singh Gaur, who founded Sagar University and was member of Constitution Assembly, also falls on November 26. Dr Gaur donated his entire property for the establishment of Sagar University.

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