Videos have emerged indicating, as per reports, that the violence in Uttar Pradesh’s Sambhal on Sunday was pre-planned. CCTV footage released by the district police shows rioters breaking cameras before pelting stones and attacking police personnel. Many individuals in the footage are seen wearing masks to hide their identities.
Watch the videos here:
वायरल वीडियो व सीसीटीवी फुटेज में सुबह 09:15 से लेकर 09:50 तक का पूरा सीक्वेंस है
इनमें सीक्वेंस में भीड़ का इक्कठा होना दिख रहा है, पत्थरबाजी और सीसीटीवी को तोड़ते दंगाई नजर आ रहे है
— Gyanendra Shukla (@gyanu999) November 26, 2024
The footage, captured in areas such as Mohalla Kot Garvi near Jama Masjid, shows masked men gathering and preparing for the attack. While several cameras were destroyed, some remained intact, providing crucial evidence for the police to identify the culprits. Drone footage and additional CCTV recordings are being currently analysed to track down the accused.
Case registered against 3,750 unidentified people
As per reports, in response to the violence, police have filed cases against 3,750 unidentified individuals and arrested 25 people so far.
The police have appealed to the public to help identify suspects, ensuring confidentiality for informants. Authorities are using CCTV and drone footage as primary evidence to bring the rioters to justice.
Normalcy returns in Sambhal
Meanwhile, two days after the unrest, life in Sambhal is gradually stabilising. Schools have reopened, and shops selling essential goods have resumed operations. However, internet services remain suspended, and restrictions on the entry of outsiders and public representatives are in place until November 30.
Members of both Hindu and Muslim communities have pledged to rebuild communal harmony. Local leaders, traders, and peace committee members are urging residents to restore normalcy.
The violence erupted during a court-ordered survey of a Mughal-era mosque, following claims that a temple once stood at the site. A large crowd gathered, clashing with security forces and resorting to stone-pelting and arson. Four people lost their lives, and around two dozen others, including security personnel, were injured.
As per the Divisional Commissioner Aunjaneya Kumar, the situation is now under control.