Guiding Light: Redefining Happiness

The search for happiness is said to be as old as mankind. However, most of us tend to look outside for happiness, feeling that it must be lying somewhere else since we are not experiencing it within ourselves. But the fact is that happiness is actually an innate quality of the soul and hence each one of us should be experiencing it all the time. But most of us do not. Simply because we are more focused on the external aspects of our life — our body, roles, responsibilities, possessions etc — as a result of which we lose our connection with this inner resource of happiness. When our focus is external, we also tend to blame other people and situations for our unhappiness. We think that if the people or circumstances that make us unhappy go away, we will be happy. In doing so, we forget that whether to be happy or not is a matter of our choice. People or situations cannot alter the state of my mind unless I allow them to. So, if I decide to be happy come what may, I can be so all the time. Remember! how we feel in any situation is decided not by the situation but by how we choose to respond to it. Having faith in the intrinsic goodness of every human soul, and the understanding that everyone is playing his or her role in this world, also helps us accept all kinds of situations and appreciate different types of people.

The biggest secret to happiness is to have good wishes and pure feelings in our heart for everyone, no matter who they are, whether friends or foes, and even if they have defamed us in the worst way. When we hold pure, good wishes in the heart for others, we can maintain a state of constant happiness. Because, good feelings are like a bouquet of flowers in our heart that spreads its fragrance inside and keeps ourself happy, no matter how bad the situation outside is. We need to go within ourselves to tap the eternal source of happiness and for that firstly we need to be true to the self, know the self and be the self. Once we have understood the happiness that comes from within and as a result of the manner in which we conduct our lives, and ourselves then it is possible to understand how to share that happiness with others. Remember! increasing the happiness of others brings happiness to the self. So, keep distributing it to everyone, as this is the wealth that multiplies by giving, and brings the giver the added bonus of the good wishes and blessings of others.

The writer is a spiritual educator and popular columnist for publications across India, Nepal and the UK, and has written more than 8,000 columns. He can be contacted at /

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