The Red Virgin is a thriller film starring Najwa Nimri and Alba Planas in the lead roles. The film premiered on September 22, 2024, at the 72nd San Sebastian International Film Festival, and later, it was released in theatres on September 27, 2024. The film received a positive response from the audiences and critics. The Red Virgin will be released on OTT in December 2024.
When and where to watch The Red Virgin?
The film is set to drop on December 5, 2024. It will be available on Amazon Prime Video.
The plot of the film is set in Madrid during the 1930s. It follows the life of a woman named Aurora and her relationship with her daughter, Hildegart. Aurora raises and educates Hildegard at home, wanting her to become one of the most brilliant minds in Spain at that time.
However, the story takes an intriguing turn when Hildegart meets a social activist and develops feelings for a boy. As they confess their feelings for each other, Aurora overhears their conversations and devises a plan to separate them. What happens next is revealed throughout the film.
All about The Red Virgin
The film features Najwa Nimri as Aurora, Alba Planas as Hildegart, Patrick Criado as Abel Vilella, Aixa Villagran as Macarena, and Pepe Viyuela as Eduardo de Guzmqan, among others. It is directed by Paula Ortiz, and Eduard Sola has written the film with Clara Roquet. Maria Zamora and Stefan Schmitz has produced the film under the banner of Amazon MGM Studios and Elastica Films Avalon.