One of the most popular faces of Indian television, actress Rupali Ganguly, was recently at the centre of a major controversy after her stepdaughter Esha Verma accused her of threatening and harassing her. Days after the actress sent Esha a Rs 50 crore defamation notice, she finally broke silence on the controversy.
During a recent interaction, Rupali stated that Esha’s statements and the entire episode did affect her, but she wants to only focus on the good things. “If I tell you that these things don’t affect me, then I’d be lying. Of course, such things affect us. We are humans, after all. It hurts when someone passes even a tiny comment behind our back,” she said.
“The ones who love me will continue doing so. Achhe karam karte jao, achhi cheeze aap ke saath aaj nahi toh kal zaroor hongi… Everyone goes through rough phases, bad things do happen, but eventually, the truth always wins,” she added.
Rupali was all over the news last month after Esha, who is the daughter of her husband Ashwin Verma and his previous wife, accused the Anupamaa actress of threatening her and breaking her parents’ marriage. Esha had also claimed that the actress began dating her father, Ashwin, when he was already married to his second wife, Sapna. She also accused Rupali of stealing her mother’s jewellery.
On November 11, Rupali retaliated by slapping Esha with a Rs 50 crore defamation notice, stating that her actions have “damaged her (Rupali’s) reputation, violated her dignity, and adversely impacted her career, resulting in substantial financial losses.”
Post the defamation notice, Esha deleted all posts on her social media handles related to Rupali. Not just that, but she also made her Instagram account private and turned off the comments section.
She later stated that the chapter was closed for her now and that she would never speak about Rupali and Ashwin again for her own peace and sanity.